Adopt a whale shark

And support the project

A unique way to support our conservation efforts

While all the sharks sighted in Madagascar bear a data code starting with “MD” for Madagascar (e.g. Michel’s is MD-151), it is easier to remember them by their name, and names are much nicer than database codes. We need your help to name the whale sharks !

How does it work?

To adopt a whale shark, there are 3 options :

  1. Shared symbolic adoption (50€) : you (or the person of your choice) can adopt one of the 491 whale sharks already named by our team. You will receive a digital certificate of adoption and news once at the end of the season.
  2. Exclusive symbolic adoption (230€) : you choose the name of a recently identified whale shark in the waters of Nosy Be. You are the exclusive adoptive parent of the whale shark. You will receive a digital certificate of adoption and news of the whale shark adopted twice during the season (September to December).
  3. Exclusive symbolic adoption of a tagged shark (750€) : you choose the name of a recently identified whale shark in the waters of Nosy Be which is fitted with an acoustic tag (Veo V16). For the first time, thanks to this device, we will be able to track whale shark movements year-round. You are the exclusive adoptive parent of the whale shark. You will receive a digital certificate of adoption and news of the whale shark adopted regularly during the season, as well as during the rest of the year if the tagged shark was picked up by one of the receiver stations.

How do I adopt a whale shark?

To initiate the process, please donate the amount matching your adoption choice via Paypal by clicking on the button below. We will get back to you by email to finalise the adoption. You can also email us directly to

Disclaimer: we cannot guarantee resighting any shark at any time, whale sharks are wild and free ! For this reason we recommend a few “popular” whale sharks for adoption, such as Alphonse, Ernest, Théodore, Zion…, who have been sighted regularly in Nosy Be.

whale sharks adopted!

Your impact

Thanks to your donation, you are directly contributing to our efforts in protecting whale sharks in Nosy Be. Your financial participation will go towards sustaining our small team year-round, replacing scientific equipment such as underwater cameras for our volunteers, while ensuring our field season takes place every year.

We are incredibly thankful for your support, and we are glad to welcome you in our “whale shark parents” club!